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How to Install Outdoor Wall Lights with a Motion Sensor

Step-by-Step Guide: Installing Outdoor Wall Lights with Motion Sensor

Installing outdoor wall lights with a motion sensor adds both security and convenience to your home. Motion sensor lights turn on automatically when they detect movement, providing a bright light source that can deter potential intruders. Here are the steps to follow to install outdoor wall lights with a motion sensor:

Step 1: Choose the location for your light
Select the location where you want to install the outdoor wall light with the motion sensor. Make sure it is near an electrical outlet, and that the sensor will be able to detect movement in the desired area.

Step 2: Turn off the power
Before you begin any electrical work, turn off the power to the circuit that you will be working on. You can do this by turning off the breaker switch in your electrical panel.

Step 3: Install the electrical box
Next, install the electrical box onto the wall where you want to mount your light. Use screws to secure it to the wall.

Step 4: Connect the wires
Connect the wires from the electrical box to the wires on your outdoor wall light. Make sure to match the black wire to the black wire, the white wire to the white wire, and the green or bare copper wire to the green or bare copper wire. Use wire nuts to secure the connections.

Step 5: Attach the mounting bracket
Attach the mounting bracket to the electrical box using screws. Make sure it is level and secure.

Step 6: Install the light fixture
Attach the light fixture to the mounting bracket using the screws provided. Make sure it is level and secure.

Step 7: Install the motion sensor
Install the motion sensor onto the light fixture according to the manufacturer's instructions. This may involve connecting wires and adjusting settings.

Step 8: Turn the power back on
Once you have completed the installation, turn the power back on to the circuit and test the light to make sure it is working properly.

In conclusion, installing outdoor wall lights with a motion sensor is a great way to add security and convenience to your home. By following these steps, you can safely and easily install your own motion sensor lights and enjoy the added benefits they provide.

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